June 25th, 2020: 5pm (Pacific Time – US & Canada)
Chat Transcript:
Eduardo Villa: 05:01 PM
Hi everyone
Imad Kayyali: 05:02 PM
Sarah Hobday-North: 05:02 PM
Melbourne, Australia
johanna seldes: 05:02 PM
Tampa, Florida
Janine Holt : 05:02 PM
Foti Boulougaris: 05:02 PM
Jefferson Schierbeek: 05:02 PM
jefferson from Los Angeles
Richard Rhodes: 05:02 PM
New York
Kenneth Moeller: 05:02 PM
San Diego, CA
Mark Louw: 05:02 PM
Xavier Crespo: 05:02 PM
Quito Ecuador
Los Altos, California
helena hardman: 05:02 PM
Hollywood, CA
David Fridlund: 05:02 PM
Los Angeles
Eduardo Villa: 05:02 PM
Sonal Dave: 05:02 PM
Perth Australia
Stephanie Calhoun : 05:02 PM
San Diego
Steve Watt: 05:02 PM
Brett Patching: 05:02 PM
Ron Seeto: 05:03 PM
Auckland nz
Adam Newman: 05:03 PM
Jean Bodnar: 05:03 PM
Estero FL
Cristina Driver: 05:03 PM
Dallas TX
Brenton Rasheed: 05:03 PM
Arlene Bobb: 05:03 PM
Arlene Philadelphia, PA
Nikki Mote: 05:03 PM
Christine Storry: 05:03 PM
Peter Harvey: 05:03 PM
judson moore: 05:03 PM
Melanie Giolitti: 05:03 PM
Monterey, CA
Malcolm McNeil: 05:03 PM
Port macquarie
Bella Cubitt: 05:03 PM
Sharisse Amlani: 05:03 PM
Newport Beach, CA
Bill Kumlin: 05:04 PM
Calgary Alberta
Ewa Charowska: 05:05 PM
Christine Storry: 05:07 PM
The last q is an attribution and moral rights question also.
Bill Kumlin: 05:15 PM
For us, remote working (during covid) made us less productive. the nature of an architectural office.
Jonathan Baron: 05:18 PM
New York City!?
Robert Blair: 05:23 PM
Hi my name is Robert and I am now using remote consultants quite regularly. I have employed staff in the past but now I am nearing retirement and don’t wish to build up large office. Also I find there is more flexibility to call on different specialists at any particular time and not have the ongoing overheads of staff. Remote consultants used have been local as well as off shore. I am in Australia and have used consultants in USA, India, The Philippines.
Fees are only part of the offer. Lower fees usually means less service.
Robert Blair: 05:34 PM
For clients of multiple jobs, some paying, some not paying, reduce the job down to small pieces invoice for small chunks at a time and don’t proceed to the next stage unless the previous stage is paid for.
Jonathan Baron: 05:40 PM
1. Initial Design Fee
2. Percentage Cost Plus
Eduardo Villa: 05:40 PM
Normally Hourly rate on variations.
Nino muratovski: 05:40 PM
How they estimate Lamp sump PLS ask
Jonathan Baron: 05:45 PM
Ideally I use a mix of Initial Design Fee and Percentage Cost Plus.
All depends on the Client and Project
I would love to Design a brothel! ALL CASH!
gerard: 05:46 PM
thank you
Sonal Dave: 05:49 PM
Thank you for a wonderful talk, it helps a lot.
Eduardo Villa: 05:49 PM
thank you so much guys
helena hardman: 05:49 PM
Thanks – great as usual
Brett Patching: 05:50 PM
Great presentation, thank you/
johanna seldes: 05:50 PM
Thank you!
Hi everyone
Imad Kayyali: 05:02 PM
Sarah Hobday-North: 05:02 PM
Melbourne, Australia
johanna seldes: 05:02 PM
Tampa, Florida
Janine Holt : 05:02 PM
Foti Boulougaris: 05:02 PM
Jefferson Schierbeek: 05:02 PM
jefferson from Los Angeles
Richard Rhodes: 05:02 PM
New York
Kenneth Moeller: 05:02 PM
San Diego, CA
Mark Louw: 05:02 PM
Xavier Crespo: 05:02 PM
Quito Ecuador
Los Altos, California
helena hardman: 05:02 PM
Hollywood, CA
David Fridlund: 05:02 PM
Los Angeles
Eduardo Villa: 05:02 PM
Sonal Dave: 05:02 PM
Perth Australia
Stephanie Calhoun : 05:02 PM
San Diego
Steve Watt: 05:02 PM
Brett Patching: 05:02 PM
Ron Seeto: 05:03 PM
Auckland nz
Adam Newman: 05:03 PM
Jean Bodnar: 05:03 PM
Estero FL
Cristina Driver: 05:03 PM
Dallas TX
Brenton Rasheed: 05:03 PM
Arlene Bobb: 05:03 PM
Arlene Philadelphia, PA
Nikki Mote: 05:03 PM
Christine Storry: 05:03 PM
Peter Harvey: 05:03 PM
judson moore: 05:03 PM
Melanie Giolitti: 05:03 PM
Monterey, CA
Malcolm McNeil: 05:03 PM
Port macquarie
Bella Cubitt: 05:03 PM
Sharisse Amlani: 05:03 PM
Newport Beach, CA
Bill Kumlin: 05:04 PM
Calgary Alberta
Ewa Charowska: 05:05 PM
Christine Storry: 05:07 PM
The last q is an attribution and moral rights question also.
Bill Kumlin: 05:15 PM
For us, remote working (during covid) made us less productive. the nature of an architectural office.
Jonathan Baron: 05:18 PM
New York City!?
Robert Blair: 05:23 PM
Hi my name is Robert and I am now using remote consultants quite regularly. I have employed staff in the past but now I am nearing retirement and don’t wish to build up large office. Also I find there is more flexibility to call on different specialists at any particular time and not have the ongoing overheads of staff. Remote consultants used have been local as well as off shore. I am in Australia and have used consultants in USA, India, The Philippines.
Fees are only part of the offer. Lower fees usually means less service.
Robert Blair: 05:34 PM
For clients of multiple jobs, some paying, some not paying, reduce the job down to small pieces invoice for small chunks at a time and don’t proceed to the next stage unless the previous stage is paid for.
Jonathan Baron: 05:40 PM
1. Initial Design Fee
2. Percentage Cost Plus
Eduardo Villa: 05:40 PM
Normally Hourly rate on variations.
Nino muratovski: 05:40 PM
How they estimate Lamp sump PLS ask
Jonathan Baron: 05:45 PM
Ideally I use a mix of Initial Design Fee and Percentage Cost Plus.
All depends on the Client and Project
I would love to Design a brothel! ALL CASH!
gerard: 05:46 PM
thank you
Sonal Dave: 05:49 PM
Thank you for a wonderful talk, it helps a lot.
Eduardo Villa: 05:49 PM
thank you so much guys
helena hardman: 05:49 PM
Thanks – great as usual
Brett Patching: 05:50 PM
Great presentation, thank you/
johanna seldes: 05:50 PM
Thank you!
Questions answered:
1. Rachel: (2:55)
If an architect gives a fee option of ‘Minimum Service’ and it’s selected, for instance, a ‘Building Permit Application’ only, the following construction work without the same architect’s involvement will possibly be off the original designs and harm the architect’s reputation. Any suggestions?
2. Claudia: (6:03)
Hello, I am an Italian Interior Design in Dublin, my degree is in Ireland but I studied Architecture in Italy too, not finishing it. After deciding that to be an Italian minimalist interior designer is my best choice (because I am Italian and I love Italian minimalism), I would like to know what is the next step.
3. Elisa: (10:52)
A colleague recently attended a seminar on “The Future of Workplace” which may sound disconnected from fee proposals, but a key take away was: The freedom to hire and deploy a global workforce to one’s competitive advantage is emerging as perhaps this new normal’s most enduring legacy.
Is the audience seeing significant changes to fees, approach and methodologies around delivery in an increasingly distant and digital world? and how are they dealing with this in the competitive environment?
POLL: are you utilizing technology (i.e. remote workforce) to increase their competitive advantage?
4. Krista: (14:45)
I have been using this method a few times for different kind of clients and I always make them confused. They always come back more confused than confident about the fee.I used this proposal for private residential clients, as well as my specialty barn conversions.
5. Jon: (17:35)
How can a new architecture practice compete for work effectively from day one, without drastically reducing the fees to attract the interest of new clients?Equally, how can qualified architects compete against architectural designers who often price low?
6. Tony: (23:12)
In the UK are there any reference materials for architectural fee proposals?
7. Camile: (25:34)
I run a design studio in Singapore and work throughout the region with a wide variety of clients/cultures/languages, we like to keep things simple and work with one type contract. What are your thoughts on this?
8. Nikki: (28:26)
We often find that clients get scared off when presenting full services for the whole project so have started to put the initial fee proposal with just concept and design development stages and let the client get to know our work and build that relationship as well as scope definition. Do you think this is the right approach?
9. David: (31:00)
A client that we have multiple projects with – at different stages but not paying in some – dribbles in others – some ok.
How to deal with collecting funds – ie. hard on some and soft on others – ?? just wait it out ?We can’t afford to keep working on projects where funds are not available. Suspension has no effect. Covid collecting is the issue.
10. Joseph: (35:30)
I am working in retail and even before the COVID, there was a tendency for developers to ask for per diem hourly fee for the front-end design work, due to the unpredictable nature of leasing.
Although our hourly rate is sufficient to cover the administrative overhead, it tends to be a bit more competitive… as well as unpredictable in terms of organizing workflow in the office.
Is there a strategy to push/encourage the client to opt for a fixed fee schedule for this kind of work?
11. Melanie: (37:59)
Are you finding more Designers changing to a flat fee basis instead of hourly or using both depending on the project?Have you modified your template for flat fee pricing in the last couple of years?
POLL: Which fee structure do you most commonly use?
12. Jon: (41:52)
In the past I’ve had to deal with some very ‘shifty’ clients. By which I mean, you wouldn’t want to cross them at night on a dark street! Ideally I wouldn’t have to deal with them, but saying “I don’t want to give you a fee proposal” never goes down particularly well. Is there a mechanic you can use within a Fee Proposal to make the problem go away?
13. Robert: (45:51)
Is sustainability in architecture more relevant around the world today and are clients aware of the importance in selecting an architect?
If an architect gives a fee option of ‘Minimum Service’ and it’s selected, for instance, a ‘Building Permit Application’ only, the following construction work without the same architect’s involvement will possibly be off the original designs and harm the architect’s reputation. Any suggestions?
2. Claudia: (6:03)
Hello, I am an Italian Interior Design in Dublin, my degree is in Ireland but I studied Architecture in Italy too, not finishing it. After deciding that to be an Italian minimalist interior designer is my best choice (because I am Italian and I love Italian minimalism), I would like to know what is the next step.
3. Elisa: (10:52)
A colleague recently attended a seminar on “The Future of Workplace” which may sound disconnected from fee proposals, but a key take away was: The freedom to hire and deploy a global workforce to one’s competitive advantage is emerging as perhaps this new normal’s most enduring legacy.
Is the audience seeing significant changes to fees, approach and methodologies around delivery in an increasingly distant and digital world? and how are they dealing with this in the competitive environment?
POLL: are you utilizing technology (i.e. remote workforce) to increase their competitive advantage?
4. Krista: (14:45)
I have been using this method a few times for different kind of clients and I always make them confused. They always come back more confused than confident about the fee.I used this proposal for private residential clients, as well as my specialty barn conversions.
5. Jon: (17:35)
How can a new architecture practice compete for work effectively from day one, without drastically reducing the fees to attract the interest of new clients?Equally, how can qualified architects compete against architectural designers who often price low?
6. Tony: (23:12)
In the UK are there any reference materials for architectural fee proposals?
7. Camile: (25:34)
I run a design studio in Singapore and work throughout the region with a wide variety of clients/cultures/languages, we like to keep things simple and work with one type contract. What are your thoughts on this?
8. Nikki: (28:26)
We often find that clients get scared off when presenting full services for the whole project so have started to put the initial fee proposal with just concept and design development stages and let the client get to know our work and build that relationship as well as scope definition. Do you think this is the right approach?
9. David: (31:00)
A client that we have multiple projects with – at different stages but not paying in some – dribbles in others – some ok.
How to deal with collecting funds – ie. hard on some and soft on others – ?? just wait it out ?We can’t afford to keep working on projects where funds are not available. Suspension has no effect. Covid collecting is the issue.
10. Joseph: (35:30)
I am working in retail and even before the COVID, there was a tendency for developers to ask for per diem hourly fee for the front-end design work, due to the unpredictable nature of leasing.
Although our hourly rate is sufficient to cover the administrative overhead, it tends to be a bit more competitive… as well as unpredictable in terms of organizing workflow in the office.
Is there a strategy to push/encourage the client to opt for a fixed fee schedule for this kind of work?
11. Melanie: (37:59)
Are you finding more Designers changing to a flat fee basis instead of hourly or using both depending on the project?Have you modified your template for flat fee pricing in the last couple of years?
POLL: Which fee structure do you most commonly use?
12. Jon: (41:52)
In the past I’ve had to deal with some very ‘shifty’ clients. By which I mean, you wouldn’t want to cross them at night on a dark street! Ideally I wouldn’t have to deal with them, but saying “I don’t want to give you a fee proposal” never goes down particularly well. Is there a mechanic you can use within a Fee Proposal to make the problem go away?
13. Robert: (45:51)
Is sustainability in architecture more relevant around the world today and are clients aware of the importance in selecting an architect?
Fee Proposal Workshop (online course):
Fee Proposal Fundamentals (online course):
Writing Effective Fee Proposals eGuide:
Is Your Architectural Fee Proposal Suffering From The “Ambiguity Effect”?:
Getting to Yes:
Design Professional’s Guide to Negotiating Fees & Contracts:
How to Benefit from LEED Certification and Decoy Pricing:
Fee Proposal Fundamentals (online course):
Writing Effective Fee Proposals eGuide:
Is Your Architectural Fee Proposal Suffering From The “Ambiguity Effect”?:
Getting to Yes:
Design Professional’s Guide to Negotiating Fees & Contracts:
How to Benefit from LEED Certification and Decoy Pricing:
Q&A Session Poll Results
To Register for a future session Click here