The Design Professional’s Guide to Writing Effective Fee Proposals
Many Design Professionals are unclear how to present fees for design services – Is the fee proposal simply a legal instrument? marketing brochure? or a combination of the two? Should we include; photos, bios, experience, project history, scope, terms and conditions or just fees?
As the Design & Construction industry becomes more competitive we need to reconsider the way we view our fee proposal documents; not simply as a legal instrument, but also as a document that sells design services. Getting this wrong can make the difference between a profitable, successful practice and no practice at all.
In this publication we take a look at the science of selling design services by exploring the field of human behavior and its application to the fee proposal process. We’ll show you the 7 fundamental principles behind an effective fee proposal document and the factors that cause clients to say ‘yes’ at your request.
Whether you win that next design project may have less to do with your abilities as a Design Professional than you may want to believe. Let us use our 20+ years of experience to show you how a few changes to your proposal can have a dramatic and positive impact on your; design fees, conversion rates and client relationships.
By presenting fees in the most effective manner we can all get more clients to say ‘yes’. We can also improve our fee levels, avoid scope creep, and provide a more ethical approach to the fee proposal process.
If you’re suffering from; a low conversion rate, unsatisfactory fees, scope creep, job insecurity or clients that simply don’t value the services that you offer then this publication is for you.