3 Biggest Fee Proposal Problems
… and How to Fix Them!
Video 3: How to charge premium fees
Can you really put a price tag on good design?
… and yet, when writing a fee proposal this is exactly what you’re asked to do!
Proposal mistake #3 is about the presentation of your design fees.
In this lesson, I’ll show you why nobody really knows how much design should cost… and what you should do about it.
I’m going to take the “sting” out of the fee proposal process so that you can get on and do what you do best… designing buildings and spaces that help people thrive in the world.
He is a Design Fee Proposal Expert, Speaker, and Author specializing in design fees, conversion rates and scope creep.
He has a background in Project Management working as a Fee Proposal Writer and Negotiator for Foster + Partners.
He’s co-authored 5 Design Fee and Appointment Guides that sell in 13 different countries.
He’s been a key note speaker at over 150 Architectural conferences and private training sessions around the globe.
He is passionate about helping Architects and Design Professionals write successful fee proposals.