You are currently viewing 52 Of The Most Famous Architect Quotes Of All Time
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52 Of The Most Famous Architect Quotes Of All Time

Today we’re looking at the most famous architect quotes from the world’s most loved architects and designers including; Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers, Yinka Ilori, Mies van der Rohe, Maya Lin, Mariam Kamara, David Adjaye, Louis Sullivan, Louis Kahn, Rem Koolhaas, Francis Kere, Frank Lloyd Wright, Leonardo da Vinci, Le Corbusier, Norman Foster, Kunle Adeyemi, Frank Ghery, Eileen Gray, Charles Eames, David Chipperfield, Buckminster Fuller, Daniel Liebeskind and Philip Johnson.

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Famous Architect Quotes:

# 52.

Yinka Ilori

"As designers, we have such power to make design change the world. We really need to make better use of our platform and do stuff that is useful"

# 51.

Famous Architect Quotes - Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid

"There are 360 degrees, so why stick to one?"

# 50.

Famous Architect Quotes - Richard Rogers

Richard Rogers

"Dyslexia made me realize that people who say 'but you can't do that' aren't actually very important. I don't take 'no' too seriously."

# 49.

David Adjaye

"Buildings are deeply emotive structures which form our psyche"

# 48.

Famous Architect Quotes - Mies van der Rohe

Mies van der Rohe

"God is in the details"

# 47.

Famous Architect Quotes - Maya Lin

Maya Lin

"For the most part things never get built the way they were drawn"

# 46.

Francis Kere

"If we learn to build with local materials, we have a future."

# 45.

Famous Architect Quotes - Louis Sullivan

Louis Sullivan

"Form ever follows function"

# 44.

Famous Architect Quotes - Louis Kahn

Louis Kahn

"Architecture is the reaching out for the truth."

# 43.

Famous Architect Quotes - Rem Koolhaas

Rem Koolhaas

"The acceptance of certain realities doesn't preclude idealism. It can lead to certain breakthroughs."

# 42.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright

"Freedom is from within."

# 41.

Kunle Adeyemi

"Ignorance is bliss... with this innocence you can create and question a lot of things"

# 40.

Famous Architect Quotes - Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

# 39.

Famous Architect Quotes - Le Corbusier

Le Corbusier

"Architecture is the learned game, correct & magnificent, of forms assembled in the light."

# 38.

Mariam Kamara

"Architecture is the stage on which we live our lives."

# 37.

Famous Architect Quotes - Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid

"Would they call me a diva if I were a guy?"

# 36.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright

"An idea is salvation by imagination."

# 35.

Famous Architect Quotes - Richard Rogers

Richard Rogers

"I love my job. What would I retire to?"

# 34.

Famous Architect Quotes - Norman Foster

Norman Foster

"I think you never stop learning."

# 33.

Yinka Ilori

"There is a Nigerian parable that says, "You shouldn't throw stones as a bird may fly away."
If someone has a passion then let them do it. Let people be what they want to be."

# 32.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright

"A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines."

# 31.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Ghery

Frank Ghery

"Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness."

# 30.

Famous Architect Quotes - Eileen Gray

Eileen gray

"To create one must first question everything."

# 29.

Famous Architect Quotes - Charles Eames

Charles Eames

"Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design."

# 28.

David Adjaye

"For me, architecture is a social act."

# 27.

Famous Architect Quotes - David Chipperfield

David Chipperfield

"Britain loves a bargain... but you don't get good, lasting architecture on the cheap."

# 26.

Famous Architect Quotes - Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller

"When i'm working on a problem, I never think about beauty. But when I've finished, if the solution is not beautiful... I know it's wrong."

# 25.

Famous Architect Quotes - Maya Lin

Maya Lin

"To fly we have to have resistance."

# 24.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright

"Buildings, too, are children of the Earth and Sun."

# 23.

Mariam Kamara

"Architecture itself can not make a more equitable world... but we can contribute with specific actions."

# 22.

Famous Architect Quotes - Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid

"Architecture is really about well-being. On the one hand it's about shelter, I think that people want to feel good in a space... but it's also about pleasure."

# 21.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Ghery

Frank Ghery

"I work from the inside out."

# 20.

Famous Architect Quotes - David Chipperfield

David Chipperfield

"The difference between good and bad architecture is the time you spend on it."

# 19.

David Adjaye

"Context is so important, not to mimic... but to become part of the place."

# 18.

Famous Architect Quotes - Maya Lin

Maya Lin

"Nothing is ever guaranteed, and all that came before doesn't predicate what you might do next."

# 17.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright

"The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope."

# 16.

Yinka Ilori

"Why should I feel like I don't belong?"

# 15.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Ghery

Frank Ghery

"The best advice I've received is to be yourself. The best artists do that."

# 14.

Famous Architect Quotes - Maya Lin

Maya Lin

"I try to give people a different way of looking at their surroundings. That's art to me."

# 13.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright

The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization."

# 12.

Famous Architect Quotes - Daniel Libeskind

Daniel Libeskind

"To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history... but to articulate it."

# 11.

Mariam Kamara

"Design can be a powerful tool for good."

# 10.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Ghery

Frank Ghery

"You've got to bumble forward into the unknown."

# 09.

Famous Architect Quotes - Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid

"I think about architecture all the time. That's the problem. But I've always been like that. I dream it sometimes."

# 08.

Famous Architect Quotes - Philip Johnson

Philip Johnson

"I hate vacations. If you can build buildings, why sit on the beach?"

# 07.

Famous Architect Quotes - Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid

"I don't think that architecture is only about shelter... it should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think."

# 06.

Francis Kere

"Architecture is about people."

# 05.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Ghery

Frank Ghery

"I don't know why people hire architects and then tell them what to do."

# 04.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright

"Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral."

# 03.

Famous Architect Quotes - Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid

"Would they call me a diva if I were a guy?"

# 02.

Famous Architect Quotes - Mies van der Rohe

Mies van der Rohe

"Less is more"

And our favorite famous architect quote of all time...

# 01.

Famous Architect Quotes - Frank Ghery

Frank Ghery

"I refuse to work unless I get paid, so I don't get a lot of work sometimes."

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