June 11th, 2020: 8am (Pacific Time – US & Canada)

Chat Transcript:
Jonathan Wendzina:
Bristol, UK
Daniel Bernatek:
Chicago IL
Hayley Pain:
London, UK
Johanna Seldes:
Tampa FL
Richard Rhodes:
New York
Tom Hines:
Tom Hines – Denton, Texas
Paul Wainwright:
Leeds, Uk
Wendy Grumet:
Encinitas, CA
Mary Murphy-Nolan:
Mary Murphy-Nolan Ireland
Jonathan Wendzina:
Thank you and thanks for answering my question. Off to the Fees Bureau for me!
Johanna Seldes:
Thank you ! These are very helpful.
Questions answered:
Emily: (3:09)
What’s the best way of dealing with competitors who create a ‘race to the bottom’ with fees?

Iliona: (7:09)
Do you have any ideas on breaking into developing countries, with developed country fee levels (without losing your IP or risking professional liability)?

Dorøn: (12:00)
How do you respond to clients who are highly driven by low fees?

Elik: (17:10)
1. Are there any guidelines in the US for setting fees (similar to Canada)?
2. Are there rules of thumb that developers use to know how much they should pay for residential mid-rise, retail, office, etc.?

Imad: (21:12)
Would you discuss the pros and cons of ‘admin-heavy’ clients (i.e. government, corporations, etc.)?

Johanna: (26:05)
I am a small residential interior design company (just me and 1 other). What part of the fee proposal should I focus on to have the most impact?

Bryan: (28:05)
How do you ensure that the proposal scope is tight and identifies the limitations, while keeping a positive tone? Often I have a long list of limitations at the back of a proposal, which feels like a downer!

Jon: (32:00)
How can I set up a competitive fee matrix given the various scales/typologies of architectural projects? The RIBA used to have one of these but it’s no longer used and very outdated!
Recession Proof Your Practice with Jo Cowen:

Best Method for Calculating your Design Fee (including Fee Benchmarking resources):

The Best Fee Proposals Have These 10 Things In Common:

Fee Proposal Fundamentals Online Training (free course):

Fee Proposal Workshop Online Training: (paid course)
Q&A Session Poll Results
Are you working with admin-heavy entities?
Which problems do you find most challenging?

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